All Guests must check-in at the concession stand immediately upon arrival.
All guests must be accompanied by a current HCRA member, throughout the entire duration of their stay.
The 2024 guest fee is $10.00 per person, per day, and grants access to the pool, tennis courts, basketball court, pavilion, and grills.
To reduce overcrowding, each HCRA membership is allowed a maximum of four (4) paid guests, per month. Exceptions are handled on a case-by-case basis. To ensure the comfort of all HCRA members, this number may decrease in times of congestion and is subject to the Pool Manager’s discretion.
Non-swimming guests in street clothes must remain outside the pool fenced area; otherwise, a guest fee will be applied.
Former HCRA members who have allowed their HCRA membership to lapse as of May 20, 2024 are allowed no more than two (2) club visits as guests over the course of the 2024 pool season, unless approved in advance by Pool Management. This restriction is intended to discourage membership sharing, which is prohibited.